MECI is helping, sharing, peace, fellowship, production, and our bright future. The word, authority, decision, and power belonging to the people is MECI.

MECI is to serve humanity for the benefit of our nature in the name of humanity without expecting reciprocity. MECI is togetherness, meeting everyone’s needs by working together with a collective understanding. MECI IS knowing the past, reading today, organizing, and sharing the future.

In Viçe (Fındıklı), MECI has a great meaning. There is no “I know” in this MECI. In this MECI, there is thinking and producing solutions together. Instead of administrative power, the people have direct participation in the administration. There is a public check against corruption. There is truth and reality against lies. There is democracy against oppression; science, and technology against bigotry. Instead of a handful of interest groups, there is the common interest of the people. There is brotherhood in this MECI, there is service to the public, rights, law, and justice. In this MECI, there is a production with a socialist perspective. There is a meeting of cornbread with anchovy. We have to carry our traditions forward by protecting the tradition and the future.

In this MECI, there is fellowship, equality, service to the public, integrity, happiness, laughter, sharing, solidarity, justice, respect for nature and people, love, trust, social and public view, and socialist municipality. In this MECI, there is no rent, no favouritism, no lies, no marginalization, no undeserved gain, no partisanship, no sulking, no unhappiness, no bribery, no despising, no personal ambitions, and no contempt.

In brief, there is the feeling of the cold waters of the creek and the sea in the smallest cells of our skin, there is the sweat of our brow, and there are beauties of being able to lie on the grass in the plateau and plan our tomorrows under the million-star sky.

MECI is to share life. Friendship, fellowship, and love grow when they are shared. Here, in our Viçe, there is MECI to grow love, friendship, and brotherhood. MECI is to reach humanity without harming nature. It is to respect and protect human rights without discrimination of language, religion, race, and the rights of nature knowing that this world does not only belong to us. MECI is the amour that our heart trembles, it is the love that beautifies our living spaces. MECI changes the dynamics between rulers and the people by replacing its principles to open its doors to everyone, unrequited, based on voluntary participation.

We have MECI, my friends, to establish, protect, preserve, and live a more liveable, more beautiful Fındıklı together. This MECI is for protecting the light of our tomorrow and for finding a cure for the troubles. It is for the people of Fındıklı to have the say, authority, decision, and power. This MECI is to deliver the trust left to us by those before us to our children.

MECI is the voice of those who defend life against all crimes against HEPP, “the Green Road”, our nature, and our living spaces. At MECI, we exist for a future owned by our city, not a resident of our city, without fearing to fight for our future.

We set out to establish the future together from today, to build a healthy and happy life in Fındıklı, and to make justice, fellowship, and sharing prevail. We set out to serve our city and our people, not ourselves, and to rule together with MECI.

All doors are open, there is no office, and there is the street. There is a place for everyone who wants to work with us. There is a place for everyone, without being other or marginalized, without discriminating between natives, immigrants, the rich, the poor, women, or men. The more people join the horon (traditional folklore), the bigger the circle gets. If you have plans and dreams for the future, join our horon circle.


Let’s produce together to serve humanity for our nature, our county, and humanity.

There is no other Fındıklı!

Let’s Produce Together, Rule with Our People!


[1] Solidarity culture is very common in our district. “MECI”, which is also known as “IMECE”, is the most important factor of cooperation. Thanks to MECI, which is based on volunteering. With MECI,  the tasks that need to be done, are completed in a shorter time and interpersonal communication is progressing positively.

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